Thursday, April 26, 2007

Gotta Find A Woman Gotta Find A Woman Gotta Find A Woman

So, the thought occured to me last night, that I'm actually getting comfortable with what kind of person I am. I've changed in the last month, drastically.

I'm not feeling negative, not as cynical. I actually have hope. While I may not be a "glass half full" person... yet. I can see the path that leads there. I am approaching the moment that I can see myself in a relationship again. And, it's been years since I've felt that way about myself. It also helps that if the right woman comes along, that makes the journey half as long.

My question is, how do I find this "right woman"? Isn't that the 64, billion, trillion dollar question? Or was it "Who thought Smuckers was a good name for jam?" I forget.

How do I find this woman? Amongst all the women in the world, and there must be well over 100 of them, how do I find her from this little bodunk town in the middle of nowhere? Is there a number to call? Is there a written test involved? Do I have to keep Simon happy for 24 weeks? There must be a telltale answer. (Yes, I know, Crosby said it's on "Page 43". But, he didn't tell us WHICH book!)

So, my feelings of hurt and despising are all but gone. Now comes the fear of an uncertain future. But, that's one fear I don't have a problem facing, because I'm changing.

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