Monday, April 7, 2008

I'm mystified.

Just thought I'd throw that out there.

So, here's why... I'm mystified why the Del Amitri MySpace offers up the "whole final concert", when in fact, it's a REALLY poorly edited version of the final concert. How do I know? Because I've got a bootleg, with photos, that has the WHOLE concert. Why even bother with trying to trick the fans who know the truth? It mystifies me.

I'm mystified why peanut butter & Bananas taste SO good together!!! It mystifies me.

I'm mystified why the universe feels the need to parade these wonderful women in front of me, but not allow the needed interaction in order to start "something". It mystifies me.

I'm mystified why God... someone... something, gave me so much talent, but left me without the personality to attract the audience needed to create an income. I'm mystified.

I'm mystified why I forgot the rest of my list!!!! I'll come back to this post someday! LOL

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