Thursday, July 5, 2007

Much Better Now

Well, I just returned to this blog that I started during a bad week in April.

I'm much better now, thank you vurry much!

I've been doing a lot of reading online, and some writing online, but haven't been doing very well at my correspondence online. So, I'll start doing better.

Last week I babysat/nannied/MANnied two of my nieces. A 3 year old and a 9 year old. I did okay. The 3 year old only had one melt down, and one refusal to use a carseat.

I ate bad for me food, watched kid tv shows, and called the toddlers name too much. But all went well, and my sister and brother-in-law were very happy.

Then, I met a friend and we went to the beach for 3 days. I ate too much really GOOD food, saw some somber military historical sites, and had a lot of laughs.

A good week and a half. Really good.

1 comment:

LDH said...

Why are you not watching baseball? There is no excuse if you enjoy it. Heck, even if you don't enjoy it, there's really no's on 7 nights a week for at least five months out of the year.